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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Something Fun to Do

Try to decode this: I kile immingsw lal het iemt. Ym ivoartef nhgit ot od hwne m'i ont minwsmig si, edar ro payl no het mpurotce. Could you make out either of the sentences? If you can, submit your answers to the comments section of the Something Fun to Do post and I will reply in the comment under yours if you're right or wrong. Ogod uclk, nad yeb ofr own! P.S All the words that are italicised and blue are scrambled. Only I isn't scrambled. Have fun!


Unknown said...

It says, I like swimming all the time. My favorite thing to do when i'm swimming is read or play on the -------idk? And good luck and bye for now. Those were fun. William, did u post that?


The Kid said...

You just forgot the not after I'm and it's read or play on the computer that you didn't get.